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Your adventure has not even started yet, and you give up already.

Try to start the quest again.

You talk to Romanetta for a bit. She seems to like you too — very much! Your actions:

No way, an affair with a Jericho is a bad idea.

Your conversation begins with timid exclamations and questions, and ends with a vow of love and the decision to immediately to unite your fates.

This is certainly true, but you know that you have not met such a girl for a very long time (if at all?). And how she pilots the ship, oh! You want to return to her! Go!

You understand that this is a very bad idea, but from now on you and Romanetta act with extraordinary dedication, courage and at the same time caution, fully submitting to your love:

Romanetta, marry me! We will overcome the conflict between Jericho and the Empire. We will find a place in space, where we can live happily and peacefully!

Feelings are for wimps, love is just a burden, space is full of danger, I'm sorry, Romanetta, but it’s not going to work out!

She said yes! Your mutual friend from the Federation agrees to secretly marry you — he hopes that the union of the young Imperial and Jericho is going to bring peace to the two sides of conflict. The wedding ceremony is held at this station. You are filled with happiness, but we need to go back into battle…

Go into battle

The battle is in full swing. You Ayrut on the battlefield, Romanetta’s brother on his Dragonfly with his Jericho buddies, and it becomes clear that you can’t avoid a fight. You try to stop the battle. Ayrut challenges you, since he saw you with Romanetta in the hangar:

You accept his challenge.

You're proud enough not to respond to his challenge.

A few seconds later the remains of Ayrut’s ship are drifting in infinite space.

Without delay, you pursuit Ayrut and hit him with flaming fury. A few seconds later the remains of Ayrut’s ship are drifting in infinite space.


You crossed the borders of the Empire and decided to start a new life!

But if you really miss Romanetta and can't live without her you can...

Try to start the quest again.

Romanetta meets with the keeper Victor de Toro. Victor understands the girl’s desperate situation. He offers the only way to salvation — overload cyberimplants with a special hard drive. After that, Romanetta is supposed to find herself in a state resembling death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period Romanetta will be buried in the family vault. Victor promises to let you know about everything, and you will be able to disappear until better days... Inspired by a new hope, Romanetta leaves with the drive.

Romanetta stays alone in the evening. Fear grips her before the decisive act. What if the monk deceived her? Or if the code does not work? Or if it works differently from what it promised? What if she wakes up ahead of time? Or even worse — remains alive, but loses her mind from fear?

Romanetta still does not hesitate to use the drive.

Romanetta chickens out and does not download a program of dubious origin.

She was probably hoping for a miracle, but her parents marry a Jericho called Paridus with whom she too eventually fell in love. But her first child she named Julie. All live happily ever after!

Try to start the quest again.

In the morning her body was found. The house is held by confusion and horror. Everyone is depressed by the terrible news. Victor De Toro comes to utter words of sympathy and reminds everyone that it’s time to bring the deceased to the tomb.

You're hiding in Felony Border waiting for the monk’s word, but instead of a messenger appears your servant, and you hear the terrible news of the death of Romanetta.

You get ready for departure and buy a deadly and quick poison from a pirate.

Your heart bleeds and you want only one thing - go back into battle with all your anger, resentment and rage.

You're in front of Romanetta’s coffin, amazed, that she looks alive and beautiful even in a coffin.

You kiss Romanetta for the last time and with the words ‘I drink to you, my love!’ lift the cup with the poison.

You cry over her body and hope that a miracle will happen.

Hey, pilot, are you kidding? You’re going to leave this beauty there alone? Come on and go back to her!

Your friend Ben Volius understands the consequences of your actions and tells you to leave. He says that Ayrut’s death will be regarded as a murder, and you will be facing execution.

You go back to the hangar depressed. Ben Volius explains to the others what happened, and the Federal judge passes sentence: you are sentenced to exile and can not appear in the Federation zones — otherwise you'll be executed! You listen to the advice of your old friend Victor De Toro, a Jericho keeper, who convinces you to hide and to obey the law until you are granted a pardon.

You accept the punishment and fly away.

You're in despair, for you exile is death. You manage to spend only a few hours with Romanetta when you secretly sneak into her room at night. In the morning you have to leave.

Just for your information, this is what Romanetta looks like! Changed your mind? Go back to her

The battle helped you forget! But Romanetta remained the love of your life, you grew old and alone.

Such a sad end of the story, huh?

Try to start the quest again.

The world instantly transforms for both of you. From that moment there are no more previous attachments:

‘Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!

For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night....’


You wait for the pilot to climb down, and suddenly strange anxiety takes over you:

‘Some consequence yet hanging in the stars

Shall bitterly begin his fearful date

With this night's revels and expire the term

Of a despised life closed in my breast

By some vile forfeit of untimely death.

But He, that hath the steerage of my course,

Direct my sail! On, lusty gentlemen.’

The pilot climbs down and removes his helmet. A waterfall of long hair comes down obscuring the mercenary’s face. You're about to tell this short blond what you think of him. Your opponent removes the hair from his face, your eyes meet for the first time and you feel a fever taking over you. The Jericho mercenary is a beautiful girl!

Like a dazzling lightning, love strikes you.

Uh ... I couldn’t beat a girl?!? This is a blow to my self-esteem. You turn around and walk away without a word.

Our story takes place over a couple of days of a week in year 4617, that play host to a dramatic chain of events.

It all began with the arrival of new Ellydium ships. In one of the battles between mercenaries of two sides of conflict — Empire and Jericho, you faced several ships of the latest model created by Ellydium corportion. This long and uncompromising feud that has been drawing young and old into the whirlpool of passions has intensified after the defeat in the battle. And after the battle where you could not destroy your opponent no matter how hard you tried, you meet him at the station ‘Ellydium Theta’.

Mercenary Shake Pirius

You're proud enough not to respond to his challenge. In fact, after the wedding with Romanetta you think Ayruta to be your cousin, almost a brother! But no one knows yet. Ayrut keeps charging at you, until your best friend Mercurius intervenes. They fight each other. You're terrified of what is happening and you rush between them, and then Ayrut deftly shoots Mercurius and quickly departs with his accomplices. Mercurius dies in your arms. He whispers his last words: ‘A plague o' both your sides!’

You're shocked. You lost your best friend. Not only that, you realize that he died because of you, Julius, when he defended your honor…

‘Thanksto you, Romanetta, I’ve become too soft…’ — you mumble in a fit of remorse, sadness and anger...

Something incredible happens. Romanetta wakes up and claims that she remembers everything and feels fresh and healthy. (You lose consciousness from surprise and fear.)

You are found by people walking into the tomb, and Victor tells everyone the story of lovers, giving into tears. Imperials and Jericho, touched by the story and forgetting about the old feuds, reach out to each other...

Star Conflict team wishes all pilots love and happiness!

You lift the poison to your mouth... but Victor De Toro runs into the tomb and stops you! Romanetta wakes up and claims that she remembers everything and feels fresh and healthy.

You are found by people walking into the tomb, and Victor tells everyone the story of lovers, giving into tears. Imperials and Jericho, touched by the story and forgetting about the old feuds, reach out to each other...

Star Conflict team wishes all pilots love and happiness!

It all began with the arrival of new Ellydium ships. In one of the battles between mercenaries of two sides of conflict — Empire and Jericho, you faced several ships of the latest model created by Ellydium corportion.This long and uncompromising feud that has been drawing young and old into the whirlpool of passions has intensified after the defeat in the battle. And after the battle where you could not destroy your opponent no matter how hard you tried, you meet him at the station ‘New Eden’.

You’re walking around the hangar looking for the opponent’s Thar'ga...

Found! There he is, still in the cockpit. I should come closer. Who is he?

Nah, I’m too tired, better go grab some food.

Our story takes place over a couple of days of a week in year 4617, that play host to a dramatic chain of events.

Our story takes place over a couple of days of a week in year 4617, that play host to a dramatic chain of events.

It all began with the arrival of new Ellydium ships. In one of the battles between mercenaries of two sides of conflict — Empire and Jericho, you faced several ships of the latest model created by Ellydium corportion.This long and uncompromising feud that has been drawing young and old into the whirlpool of passions has intensified after the defeat in the battle. And after the battle where you could not destroy your opponent no matter how hard you tried, you meet him at the station ‘Ellydium Theta’.

Our story takes place over a couple of days of a week in year 4617, that play host to a dramatic chain of events.

It all started with another battle between mercenaries belonging to two warring sides of the conflict — Empire and Jericho. This long and implacable enmity drew into the maelstrom of passion both young and old. After a battle where no matter how hard you tried you just could not destroy your opponent, you meet him at the ‘Ellydium Theta’ station.

A Story of Love in Space

Reason won over the heart? It's your choice! Good luck to you in space, pilot!

Finish the quest